Passioni cotognata e pecorino di fossa

Passions with quince and gound-matured pecorino cheese

Product features

Yellow dough: durum wheat semolina, soft-wheat flour, fresh pasteurised egg (25%).

Filling based on: cow's milk ricotta and grana padano PDO*, characterised and made unusual by quince jelly (23%) and ground-matured pecorino sheep's cheese (19%).

*Protected Designation of Origin

Product details

Average unit weight: 12 g.

Filling: 45 %

Cooking time: 5 Minutes

Yield: 25%

Serving: 110/130 g.

Package format: 3 kilo bag

Sales unit: box containing one bag

The website is not aimed at direct sales to the user but it is a "gastronomic preview" of our range , we refer to the specific indications to documents related to the sale and to the product itself .
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